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2023-05-01 04:15:22 点击: 机器翻译

机器翻译自动注:以下是AI助手完成的英文文章翻译,仅供参考。When it comes to submitting a patent application in China, applicants must go through a rigorous approval process. This process involves several stages, including initial examination, substantive examination, and final review


Title: Understanding Patent Application Approval in China

When it comes to submitting a patent application in China, applicants must go through a rigorous approval process. This process involves several stages, including initial examination, substantive examination, and final review. Understanding each stage is crucial to successfully obtaining a patent in China.

Initial Examination:

The first stage of the approval process is the initial examination. This stage is focused on verifying that the submitted application meets the formal requirements set by the patent law. This may include checking that the application includes relevant documents, such as an abstract and drawings, as well as ensuring that the application has been filed correctly.

During the initial examination, the applicant will also be required to pay any applicable fees. If the application does not meet the formal requirements or if any fees are outstanding, the application will be rejected.

Substantive Examination:

If the application passes the initial examination, it will proceed to the substantive examination stage. During this stage, the examiner will review the application to assess the substance of the invention and determine whether it meets the patentability criteria set by the patent law.

Patentability criteria can include novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability. If the examiner determines that the invention meets these criteria, the application will be approved.

If, however, the examiner determines that the invention does not meet the criteria for patentability, the applicant will be given the opportunity to amend the application to address any issues. If the applicant is unable to address these issues, the application will be rejected.

Final Review:

The final stage of the approval process is the final review. During this stage, the examiner will review any amendments made during the substantive examination stage, as well as any additional supporting documents submitted by the applicant.

If the examiner is satisfied with the amendments and additional documents, the patent application will be approved. If there are outstanding issues, the examiner may request further amendments or documentation before making a final decision.


In summary, the patent application approval process in China involves three main stages: initial examination, substantive examination, and final review. While each stage has its own set of requirements, understanding the process as a whole is crucial to successfully obtaining a patent in China. By meeting the formal requirements, providing sufficient evidence of patentability, and addressing any issues raised by the examiner, applicants can increase their chances of securing a patent in China.